Thursday, November 6, 2008

Classroom "Election Day" - 10/22/08

His 2nd grade class had a classroom "election day". They divided into Republican and Democratic parties based on what the children thought their parents would be voting in the upcoming election and then nominated a President to represent each party in an upcoming "election day". He didn't raise his hand to be nominated for President because there would be a "speech" involved (lol), but was nominated to be the campaign manager for his group. The classroom had so much fun making signs, banners, shirts, hats, etc. during their center did his mommy on volunteer days! For 2 weeks at home and school, we had a serious campaign manager on our hands with making tons of campaign signs and fun things to pass out to his classmates. On "election day" every student was given a vocabulary word to give the definition and show their illustration, both candidates gave their speeches, and then all the students were able to cast their ballots. It was a great learning experience for his entire class (but funny when results turned out differently than assumed based on the numbers in each know 2nd grade girls...they voted for their friend who was the candidate for the other party...ha)!

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